Korean- Ukranian interpreter
Göd, 2024.07.17.

Korean- Ukranian interpreter

Join us and work in a multicultural environment! Hivatkozási szám WHC013155
Korean- Ukranian interpreter

Göd Back Korean- Ukranian interpreter Join us and work in a multicultural environment! Reference number WHC0131552024.07.17.

Apply for the position

We are looking for Korean-Ukranian interpreters


  • providing help in training of new coworkers,
  • translating the assigned documents (OPL, SOP etc.),
  • ensuring information exchange between superiors and subordinates,
  • keeping in contact and cooperating with the company's departments to ensure that customer, needs are fulfilled.


  • fluent Korean language knowledge in speaking and writing,
  • higher education,
  • minimum TOPIK Korean language exam: level 3,
  • Ukrainian knowledge(Advanced / Negotiating Level)
  • English knowledge (Advanced / Negotiating Level)
  • excellent communication skills,
  • able to work independently,
  •  user level computer skills (MS Office, Windows)

Our offer

  • competitive salary (premiums and bonuses),
  • stable, secure job opportunities,
  • training and education,
  • opportunity for continuous development,
  • free company bus / commuting support,
  • modern work environment.

We are looking for Korean-Ukranian interpreters

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