Kisbér, 2024.07.15.

Site Quality manager

We would like to find the best QM leader! Join us. Hivatkozási szám WHCSZ12829

Kisbér Vissza Site Quality manager We would like to find the best QM leader! Join us. Hivatkozási szám WHCSZ128292024.07.15.

Jelentkezem az állásra
Automotive Quality manager


  • Management and further development of operational quality at site of Hungary, 
  • Increasing quality and responsiveness to customer and field complaints through the systematic use of QRQC and intensifying customer contacts using the respective databases, 
  • Systematic analysis of field failures to determine remedial measures throughout the entire supply chain and to improve the allocation of failure costs, 
  • Internal and external coordination and handling of complaints that represent a significant technical and/or commercial risk
  • Planning and monitoring of release tests for new parts and products as well as involvement in the creation and release of technical documentation, 
  • Negotiating field damage claims and recourse factors with customers
  • Supervision, implementation and planning of external and internal audit, 
  • Preparation of monthly reports on key quality indicators and reporting to management, 
  • Budget responsibility, 
  • Supporting factory specialist departments in all quality matters. 


  • very good managerial salary and benefit package 
  • company car
Automotive Quality manager
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