Debrecen, 2023.12.19.

NPL Project Leader

További információk: +36306375357 Hivatkozási szám WHCSZ12495

Debrecen Vissza NPL Project Leader További információk: +36306375357 Hivatkozási szám WHCSZ124952023.12.19.

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Hajdú-Bihar megyei  járművillamossági partnerünk számára keresünk Projektvezető munkatársat.


  • Ensuring the implementation of new product launch processes
  • Conducting factory projects, including the line installations and line moves
  • Responsibility for project budgeting and the design and optimization of the production processes
  • Identifying project milestones, defining task steps, assigning and tracking deadlines
  • Supervision of sample production
  • Coordination of change implementation
  • Contribution to strategic and operational planning
  • Ensuring effective internal and customer communication
  • Organization of project meetings, participation in customer meetings and coordination of audits
  • Continuous contact with factories and affiliates
  • Ensuring that documents in this area are kept up to date


  • University degree in engineering or project management qualification
  • 2-3 years of relevant experience at a manufacturing company
  • Minimum 2-3 years project leading experience
  • Very good level of English language
  • User level knowledge of MS Office
  • Knowledge of Quality standards and methods
  • Proactive, flexible, open, determined personality
  • Advantage: Experience in automotive industry


  • Competitive salary
  • Multinational atmosphere
  • Stable company background, long-term job opportunity
  • A dynamic team
Hajdú-Bihar megyei  járművillamossági partnerünk számára keresünk Projektvezető munkatársat.
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